To ensure your vote is properly handled and counted, please follow the instructions carefully for submitting your ballot. Ballots not sealed in the provided return envelope may be invalidated.
Option 1: Early Ballot Submission via Ballot Box
- Complete your ballot as directed.
- Place the completed ballot in the sealed return envelope provided. Ensure your name, address, and ID# are clearly visible in the upper left corner of the envelope.
- Deposit the sealed envelope into the ballot box located at the UPCC Administrative Office.
Option 2: Proxy Voting
- Submit a Proxy Form authorizing someone to vote on your behalf.
- Your proxy must vote in person on Election Day at The Varsity Club Room on February 18, 2025, between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM.
Option 3: Mail-in Ballot
- Complete your ballot as directed.
- Place the completed ballot in the sealed return envelope provided. Ensure your name, address, and ID# are clearly visible in the upper left corner of the envelope.
- Mail the sealed envelope.
Option 4: Vote In-Person on Election Day
- Polls will be open on February 18, 2025, from 9:00 AM EST to 12:00 PM EST (noon).
- Voting will take place at The Varsity Club Room at University Park Country Club.
- Address: 7671 The Park Blvd, University Park, FL 34201.