Welcome to the new University Park Recreation District Newsletter! This new monthly publication will keep you up to date with all of the most current information related to the Recreation District.
Highlights from the September 11th, 2020 Board Meeting include:
- Karen Pagano has been appointed as a Board Member to fill the open seat vacated by Bob Wood.
- Vice Chairperson Bertsch noted that her plans have changed and she plans to fulfill her term of office.
- The Board approved a new slate of officers’ which are as follows:
- Chairperson – Steve Ludmerer
- Vice Chairperson – Beth Bertsch
- 2nd Vice Chairperson – Nancy Kopnisky
- Secretary – Vivian Carvalho
- Assistant Secretary – Jim Long
- Assistant Secretary – Karen Pagano
- Treasurer – Steve Ludmerer
- Assistant Treasurer – Jennifer Glasgow
- Assistant Treasurer – John Fetsick
- The Board of Supervisors’ 2nd Election will be held on December 8, 2020. All Supervisor positions are to be elected. Candidates must declare their candidacy by October 9th, 2020.
- The Board appointed Deborah Van Brunt as Election Chair. She will be working with a volunteer group that includes Paul Gibson, Elaine Kulbako, and Bruce Mantia. A call for candidates and an overview of the election process with key dates, will be mailed to homeowners on September 28th, and simultaneously posted on the UPRD web site.
- The Board has continued the Board of Supervisors’ meeting to reconvene on September 25th, 2020 via WebEx at 1:00PM to finalize the election process, materials and the potential of online voting option.
- The Board reviewed the trademark license agreement with UPCAI, covering all trademarks relevant to the District and the Community. It has changes from the Board approved proposal and will be reviewed in its current form at the next meeting.
- The Board approved the transfer of the District’s option to purchase Parcel #7 to UPCAI subject to review of an Agreement being written by UPCAI.
- The Board approved transfer of the ‘Sales Center’ to UPCAI to be repurposed as a “Welcome Center’ with additional meeting space for residents, subject to final review. The Board authorized the Chair or Vice Chair to execute an Agreement without any material changes.
- The Board discussed a PFM District Accounting proposal to reduce costs and a volunteer group of Bruce Mantia, Dick Crouch, and Ron Tobin will comment on the PFM proposal.
- The Board welcomed John Fetsick as the Director of Finance for the Country Club and Assistant Treasurer of UPRD.
Click below for the most recent General Manager’s report.
The UPCC Strategic/Master Planning Volunteer Group completed a week-long schedule of focus groups. The findings will be sent out in the coming weeks and this comprehensive report will include a review of the survey results held early this year.
Click here to view the Mission, Vision and Core Values.
The RFP for a professional master planner has been sent out with a response deadline of September 25th. A pre-submittal meeting with interested parties was conducted on September 15th.
Friday, September 25th, 2020
1:00 pm
A continuation of the September 11th meeting will be held via WebEx per the updated Executive Order 20-193 that has been extended through October 1, 2020 providing the ability to have the meeting virtually.
Friday, October 9, 2020
1:00 pm
Format to be decided.
Hank Fishkind, Ph.D., District Manager
Vivian Carvalho, Assistant District Manager
Amy Champagne, District Accountant
Beth Bertsch
Nancy Kopnisky
James Long
Steve Ludmerer
Karen Pagano